Summer in Tokyo is kind of a nightmare. It’s hot, it’s humid, and even my Southern-fried self still isn’t sure how to deal with it. There’s only so much you feel like doing when you’re basically chained to your electric fan all day, after all. I haven’t even biked to the AV shop in months because of the heat, and that’s like, my favorite place. Indeed, there are only a couple of good things about summer in Japan: it’s crop top season in Shibuya, and DLsite puts on their big Summer Sale! Let’s try and beat the heat a bit by checking out some of the best stuff they’ve currently got at a discount — that means more money for air conditioning.

Now that’s what I call a title. There’s a real sense of urgency to it. Though I wouldn’t say the game itself is particularly brutal or anything. If you’ve played something made in RPG Maker before — or indeed, basically any retro RPG — you probably know what to expect. And yeah, this is a hentai game, so the erotic attacks probably won’t shock you too much, either. Here’s where the game shines: the pixel art.
Just take a look at it! It’s detailed, but it’s still got that indie feel. Intricate but simple. Definitely took forever to create. And yes, as you can see in the video, it’s animated, too! Now, I said the game wasn’t too terribly hard, but I get the feeling you’re going to have a lot of trouble with all the different enemies… on purpose. Well, maybe not the giant ants. They don’t have tiddies. But certainly the rest. It’s always a thrill in these monster girl RPGs to “collect them all”, so to speak. I like the pirate girl. Pirates count as monsters, you see.

Click here to give it a try!

Why’s it always up to knights and plumbers to save princesses, anyway? Hashtag girlsgetitdone and all that, right? Well, Charlotte’s not one of those do-nothing royals. Charlotte’s been kidnapped by monsters, but she’s not going to take it lying down (unless she gets caught). Using the iron ball chained to her shackles, Charlotte knocks out the guard to her cell and escapes…. and what follows is a tense game of hide-and-get-fucked through a fortress swarming with monsters!
This isn’t really a Metal Gear-style wait-and-see affair, though. You’ve got to be QUICK to slip by some of these guards. Luckily you can see their field of vision, and mouse controls make moving Charlotte pretty simple, but your reflexes and your brain are going to get tested. If you fail, though, don’t worry. You’ll still have a chance to fight back. Fail THAT, however, and Charlotte will just get a big ol’ monster dick shoved up one of her holes, with pretty decent animation, too. Great for you, less so for her! But stick it out and you’ll both be happy. Eventually.

Click here to give it a spin!

Imagine moving into a new building, and your neighbor coming over to greet you. And instead of a disgusting casserole, he comes bearing an equally slimy offer: film yourself having sex with women, and he’ll pay top dollar for the footage. Your first target? The girl who lives upstairs! Barge on in and have your way with her — she’s not especially okay with it, but the main character is shockingly cool with taking up this new side hustle.

And that’s basically the way the game plays. You wander around your new building, meeting the different women who live there and selling the subsequent footage to the creep across the hall. You can use that money to buy upgrades, or just sit on it like some kind of horrible, raping dragon. It’s up to you! As you can see in the image above, there’s a cam girl to play with, but there’s also a housewife whose husband sometimes comes home, and a few more sexy subjects with whom you can make some “movie magic”…. There are even CGs for some of the more special situations you’ll stumble into!

I. Love. The art in this game. Look at that oni girl! She’s adorable. Well, first things first: this is a simulation game about training sex slaves so they can best opponents in the gladiatorial arena. A little confusing until you remember this is a hentai game, so yeah, the battles include sex as a feature. You play as a spy infiltrating the arena fighting circuit with the aforementioned adorable oni Koharu, and in order to accomplish your task, the two of you will need to rise to the top of the league!
Progress is swift in this one, but deeply satisfying. You’ll gradually earn the ability to send your girls out on different jobs (like tavern dancer or that old classic, prostitute), earn more money, and unlock new features. It’s pretty easy to get distracted with all the wonderfully-drawn and voiced BDSM sex scenes, but you’d better be ready when it comes time to battle… or not! You get another sex scene when you lose the fight. Go on, slack off and let the girls have it. In Hentai World, anything goes.

Finally, we arrive at the last and newest entry on the list: Girl & Chainsaw. What do you think this one’s about? Go on, I’ll give you five guesses, and if any of them are something besides “a girl with a chainsaw”, you’re not allowed to read my articles anymore. Said girl is named Hime Amano, and she’s a streamer stuck in a school in the middle of a zombie apocalypse! But what’s a self-obsessed Gen-Zer to do when the internet dies? Run around and cut zombies in half. And try not to get fucked in the process.
This is a genuinely fun game to play, as it’s always deeply satisfying to mow down droves of the undead with a chainsaw. Where it really shines, however, is the sense of fun. Hime’s quest to escape the admittedly very creepy school is packed with little bits of cute, gal-ish dialogue that makes spending time with her a lot of fun. She’s cute and a bit of an airhead, and it really enhances an already fast-paced-yet-atmospheric experience. Oh, and did I mention there are two more girls later on in the game? Because there are. They can also get fucked. And when the art’s this colorful and expressive, you’re going to want to see that, I promise.

Well, there you have it: all the indie hentai game goodness you need to keep your summer HOT while you try and stay cool. Personally, I think I’ll be revisiting Girl & Chainsaw right after this. There’s just something about wandering around a (mostly) abandoned building in the dark that makes the heat that little bit more bearable. That and crop tops. Sun’s out, tums out! Anyway, we’ll see you next week, hopefully feeling cool and well-fapped! Enjoy, and keep an eye out for some of the new fun stuff we’re planning for the site!
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