Hey there, Good-Time Gang! It’s finally cooling off here in Japan, and you know what that means: I need to remind myself to shower, instead of spending all day longing to wash off the sweat. Oh, and also it’s a great time to fap. No need to point a fan directly at your exposed genitals while doing your thing… it’s grab-and-go season once more! So to celebrate, we’ve got a new crop of hentai game goodness to give you something to beat about. The absolute legends over at DLsite have been hard at work all summer, translating their extremely toned tuchuses off to bring us more English-language lasciviousness! Now let’s take a look at what bounty early Autumn brings…
*Author’s note: I realize most of these are late summer releases, but YOU try coming up with a clever new article intro every week. Dick.

Are you an exhausted Japanese salaryman who’s sexually attracted to your cousin? I’m going to assume no on the former and quite charitably guess the same for the latter, so this game should be an all-new experience for you! You play as a tired office worker in a dead-end job who wants nothing more than to relax with a cute girl. And you’re in luck! Your mom has noticed how much work is getting to you lately, and has sent your cousin Yuina over to help you out. And Yuina is SO appalled by your current lifestyle that she decides to stay indefinitely, helping you cook, clean, and generally get your life together. Hey, look at that. It’s almost like hentai games are a form of wish fulfillment.
As a game, things are rather simple. You have a certain amount of energy each day that you can use to hang out with your cousin. Chat, relax, and even goof around a little bit… there are plenty of options for all the cuz-nuzzlers out there. And yes, Yuina does eventually offer to take care of your sexual needs as well. I repeat: SHE offers to do it. Looks like the cousin love runs both ways, and you’ll be glad it does, thanks to all the beautifully-drawn CGs and gentle voice work courtesy of indie veteran Poplar Sawano. Indeed, if you’re a hot mess who needs some guidance in AND out of the bedroom, Yuina’s got your back! And front. C;

Continuing in the “hanging out with a close relative until she likes you enough to fuck you” genre, we’ve got My Little Sister Came to My Home. The title might be a clue as to what happens in this one, but I’ll go ahead and tell you anyway: your little sister hates living in the school dorms, so your mom sends her to live with you. Shout-out to moms for… facilitating incest????? Anyway, once your sister’s in your space, there’s a whole range of activities you can do together. Touch her face to start talking to her, or touch her somewhere more private to get viciously rebuffed until you’re a little more comfortable with one another. Just like a real sister, I assume!
It’s pretty fun to see how far your relationship can progress, but there are lots of options available from the start, too. Paramount among them is sneaking into your sister’s room while she sleeps, which opens up a whole new minigame. Undress her and have some fun, but make sure she doesn’t wake up! Remember, you’re only a horrible, perverted freak if you get caught. And the fun doesn’t stop there, either – but you’ll have to earn your “happy ending”, so to speak…

Next we’ve got something completely different, a stealth-based fantasy adventure from the good people over at dieselmine! A powerful warrioress named Leticia has been accused of kidnapping her dear friend Princess Seyla, and now she’s got to travel across the land to both clear her name and rescue the princess from the perverts who took her. On her journey, she’s got several tools she can use to dispatch the many, many (MANY) enemies that accost her. She can engage them in battle, show some skin so they’ll let her pass, and she can… attack again, but stronger. Sometimes it wipes out foes in one hit, but even with a move that powerful at your disposal, things can get pretty heckin’ hard…
One of those things, by the way, will definitely be your dick! The art in this one is rather good, and there’s a whole host of sexy situations to enjoy, like milking, drugging, tentacles, and waaaaaaaaay more. Even Seyla gets in on the action, a rarity in the princess-saving genre. But indeed, the bulk of the scenes belong to Leticia. Who doesn’t love a tale of a knightess persevering through all sorts of sexy torments in order to accomplish her goal? Philistines, that’s who. And Playground readers are no Philistines. So saddle up with Leticia and get ready for adventure… and make sure to bring the lube.

Here’s something a bit different. You play as a traveler who, for some reason, has decided to explore a deep, dark forest that everybody says is full of horrible monsters. At the entrance, you encounter two girls: friendly swordswoman Remi, and diminutive wizard Ravi. The pair is simply BRIMMING with confidence, and since this is a hentai game, I think you can guess how well that works out for them.
Yep, as soon as the two head their separate ways, they’re attacked by rapacious forest-dwellers. Luckily, you’re there to help, via a rather unique battle system that sees you tapping the monsters during their animated assaults. Said animation is pretty smooth and lends a good deal of life to the proceedings, making the battles feel urgent even when they’re rather easy. If you’re feeling especially unhelpful, though, you’ve always got the option to just touch the girls yourself, too… Sure, the battle will be lost and they’ll meet with terrible fates, but at least you’ll get to watch. And there are seven different endings, so you’ll want to take the plunge into the woods again and again! Go on then, get plunging.

And that’s it for today, I guess. Probably better to keep things short, as I assume you came into this article, like every Playground article, rock-hard and ready to rub. I won’t keep you any longer, but please know that I truly, genuinely wish you happy fapping. The end of Summer and approach of Spooky Season have me in high spirits. That’s right, that was a ghost pun. I’M ON FUCKIN’ FIRE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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