You know what I love to bits? Instant gratification. It’s one of the best things about the modern world, and indeed, it’s sort of the whole point of Hentai Playground. We’re here to help you get off as fast as you can, since we’ve taken it upon ourselves to spread the unholy gospel of hentai games far and wide. So yes, instant gratification is indeed gratifying, which is why I understand the appeal of machine translation for certain games. The writer and Japanese-speaker in me hates it with a passion, but in terms of pure NPM (nuts per minute), there are worse solutions out there. DLsite’s been messing around with machine translation lately, which leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth, but let’s look at some of the games anyway. Because fuck it, they’re free to try. Also, fast titties.

Isekai stories aren’t exactly the most beloved these days, are they? There are just so many that it’s hard to see the value in making a new one. Well, this game doesn’t exactly bring a whole lot to the table, but it’s got a keen sense of self-awareness and really doesn’t take itself too seriously. That’s HUGE in a genre many see as tired and worn-out. Indeed, IHF takes a lot of the standard tropes and turns them on their heads in a pretty silly way. For example, you know how the main character is usually a dweeb-ass loser who dies in some mundane way and wakes up in another world? Well, the hero of IHF is especially dweeb-assed… cause of death: nutting in front of the popular girls.

Gameplay-wise, this is an RPG Maker game, so if you’ve played one you’ve got a decent idea of what to expect. But hey, nothing wrong with a classic, right? Your party consists of the wimpy hero, as well as the aforementioned popular girls (did his cum kill them, too? Why are they there?), and you travel around your new world getting into fantasy adventures. The pacing is definitely where the game shines, as everything is very lively and silly. And the cute, busty schoolgirls who get banged out of their minds are a nice touch, too. I’d say this is one to play on a relaxing Sunday afternoon, maybe with the windows open. Fall is in the air and all that.
Machine Translation Moment: “Don’t force weed into my mouth!”

I think you can already tell by this game’s status as hentai that the title is sort of a lie. Brilliant Exorcists do indeed yield to Tentacle Monsters, it just takes a little prodding. With tentacles. This one’s also an RPG Maker game, but features a more retro-VN/simulation style of gameplay. You have a variety of places you can visit each night to do things like gather information, reminisce on your adventures, and oh yeah, exterminate some demons. A sexy ninja-exorcist’s job is never done – I’ve seen La Blue Girl, I know how it works – so there’s always a lot to do. And said exterminating takes place via traditional RPG battles, which helps the story move right along.

I was somewhat struck by how the first victim you meet ends up in the hospital for several months afterward. It’s a weirdly realistic touch in a game that doesn’t necessarily need one, and it just goes to show you that the creators did put a lot of thought into the writing. Might be a bit hard to tell through the machine translation, but you’ll certainly be able to follow along. If you’re after something that’s not too high-impact, but still features some pretty exciting moments, this is a fun example of the classic ghost-busting-ninja hentai genre we all know and love.
Machine Translation Moment: “Oh, here’s a sympathy apple.”

As a goth who also listens to a lot of black metal, I’ve got a diabolically hot take to share with you all: demon girl sexy. Controversial, I know, but that’s what I found the most thrilling about this game. It’s not often you get to take control of the ubiquitous fantasy Demon Lord archetype, but hentai is all about pushing those boundaries, I guess! The story here is pretty cute in general, actually. Mao, the titular Little Demon Lord, has a bit of a problem: it’s been 20 years since the demon army was defeated, and now she’s not sure what to do next. Should her people try to live in peace with humans, or rebuild and wipe them out? A trip to a human village should help clear things up, right?
Well, not exactly. It turns out the human problem isn’t quite so black and white, so it’s going to be a longer visit than Mao expected before her decision becomes clear… Also, she and her two generals are going to have a frankly silly amount of sex. Lucky villagers, I guess! And lucky YOU, because the art is rather good and features a lot of animation. This is a simple, light-hearted game, so you’ll have no problem diving in and getting to the good stuff. Or… bad stuff, depending on how you view demons from a moral perspective. It’s good for a fap, at least!
Machine Translation Moment: “We got it. We got the money, motherfuckers!”

I often feel like one of the only people who’s not sick of superheroes. I mean, if you’re not into them, just don’t see the movies, right? Seems pretty simple to me. And that’s why I’m delighted to introduce you to the final game on this list, Angel White Aqua! In the world of Aqua, people one day started to develop strange powers… some were good, but others turned to villainy. Hm, sounds familiar! Anyway, Aqua is a heroine with laser-y, blast-y powers, so she sets out to keep the world safe from bad guys… in a game that’s actually kind of a pleasant surprise.

This is, yet again, an RPG Maker game, but it’s got a heavy focus on action and no turn-based battles in sight. Instead, you’ll run around blasting monsters across town until you run into a boss. And boss fights, oddly enough, have some shoot-em-up elements to them. It’s a cute touch that makes the tougher battles that little bit more frantic, as they should be. Will Aqua be able to save the city, or will she succumb to the sexual villainy of her monstrous foes? Depends on how nimble your fingers are. Or on whether or not you’ve got a boner, honestly.
Machine Translation Moment: “Welcome aboard! Welcome to the club! My name is Gig!”

So as you can see, the machine translations may be a little… hilarious, but they’ll certainly get you where you want to go without making you wait too long. This is new technology, after all, and I personally don’t feel it’ll ever be 100%, but life’s hard enough as it is, you know? Sometimes you just want to fap and go to sleep. Well to all you exhausted masturbators, I say this: 10 times a day is probably enough. And also, make sure to keep reading Hentai Playground for bucketloads of free-to-play hentai games!
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