Full confession: I’m not tired of superhero movies. Like, at all. I mean, it’s not as if they stopped making other kinds of movies or anything. See what you like. And what I like is a good old-fashioned superpowered team-up. Nothing satisfies quite like a group of brave heroes banding together to fight an overwhelming threat. And that’s why DLsite’s newest release, Heroines’ Chord, left such a pleasant taste in my mouth. Magical girls joining forces to battle rape-y monsters and demons? Sign me the fuck up. That’s the perfect formula for a perfect hentai game right there. Let’s take a deeper look. HENTAI FANS… Assemble. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ll be honest, I didn’t know who a lot of these girls were when I booted up the game, and I expect most of you will be in the same boat. They’ve all featured previously in other works by studio No Future, but not all of those have been translated. Fear not, though, as this who’s who of “who’s that?” is perfectly enjoyable on its own merits. Everyone’s introduced well enough, so what you’re getting is a whole mess of VOICED (!) magical girls to suit all tastes, drawn by some pretty fantastic artists. And there are FIFTY base CGs in this thing, you guys. Fifty CGs, divided by ten heroines… you do the math. That’s the beauty of a team-up: more everything.

Gameplay-wise, this is still an RPG Maker game at its core, but I hesitate to say that because it implies a certain level of quality that Heroines’ Chord actually surpasses. Dungeons are rather simple, but feature lots of battles, item-collecting, and story/exploration bits to keep things moving. The battles are quite fast-paced, too, though there’s a greater strategic element than you might expect from something like this. Enemies have properties that affect the potency of certain moves, and there are some interesting status effects that can lead to, for example, heroine abduction. That’s right, the enemy can just straight-up steal your party members. Obviously this has some boner-ific implications, but it also adds a dimension to the combat by forcing you to prioritize certain party members when you may have otherwise felt like things were going well. Each heroine has her own unique abilities and strengths, too, meaning you’ve got to carefully consider party composition when going into battle. Heroines’ Chord takes the standard “RPG Maker hentai game” formula and elevates it to compelling new heights, adding a professional touch to some familiar mechanics.

Fun gameplay and detailed presentation aside, a hentai game lives and dies on its hentai content, doesn’t it? Well, remember those 50 base CGs I mentioned earlier? Absolutely none of them disappoint. You can probably guess what’s in store if you’ve got even an ounce of experience with magical girl hentai – BDSM, tentacles, monster sex, all that good stuff – but you can also expect a couple less common surprises, like choking, some foot focus, and even that thing where a girl gets stuck in a wall. And yuri. Plenty of yuri. It wouldn’t be much of a team-up if there wasn’t some “teaming up” in the H scenes, would it? Each heroine has a wide variety of solo and group scenes, so your favorite is bound (BDSM JOKE!) to get it in a way that appeals to you specifically. I’m pretty partial to silver-haired cyber-heroine Haruna, and yes, she does get tentacled. And it’s spectacular. Though the same could be said of every CG, thanks to the professional-level artwork courtesy of a whole team of experienced hentai illustrators, each with their own sinisterly sexy style. Indie hentai CGs really don’t get any better than this. I’m actually pretty upset I didn’t have time to unlock them all. I’ll probably console myself by fapping to Haruna getting DP’d. Mmm, that’ll cheer me up.

So yep, that’s Heroines’ Chord. It’s DLsite’s latest and one of their greatest, so make sure to check it out! They’ve even got a promotion on where you can win some pretty neat prizes. I’m something of an expert in the field of “wearing inappropriate T-shirts in public” so you can bet I’ve already entered in hopes of snagging that Charlotte shirt. And yes, if I win, I WILL be wearing it to the mall. If you’re amped tf up to play Heroines’ Chord, there’s also a free demo you can play in your browser. And when you inevitably decide to buy the whole thing, you can get it on both PC and Android, so really, there’s no excuse not to give it a whirl. It’s the most exciting superhero team-up of the year! At least as good as Wakanda Forever. Man, I should go see that again when I’m done jacking off…
Check out DLsite’s big-‘n’-fancy special page for Heroines’ Chord here!