ErisDisnomia is a Devil of a Good Time

Hi there, Playground People! Hm, yeah, I’m not into that name… Well, it’s not formally decided yet. Sound off in the comments with what you’d like our community name to be… not that we actually have comments. Anyway, I’m here to tell you about a game I love very much. A game that I’ve spent a lot of time on, even though I probably should have been working or something. A beat-em-up that I can see myself coming back to for years to come. That game is… the beloved classic, Final Fight. I mean, uh, ErisDisnomia, a different side-scrolling extravaganza that sees young demon Eris hopping and bopping her way through 5 stages just… packed with perverts. It’s a regular AIM-chat-room-circa-2005 in there. Let’s dive(kick) a little deeper…!

To be honest, the game looks a little simple at first. You walk right, you hit enemies. The backgrounds are sort of sparse, and the character designs are pretty simple. Yep, pretty simple. But if you look a bit harder, you’ll start to see how the visuals really shine. For one thing, the animation is actually pretty great! Whether Eris is swinging a scythe into a cluster of creeps or going to town on herself when she really shouldn’t, the charm of the painstakingly-rendered pixel art can’t be denied.

This boss’ theme SLAPS, by the way.

And in classic beat-em-up style, all the sprites are pleasantly large and VERY pleasant to hit. Enemies even explode when they’re defeated, which the reward center in your brain will enjoy much more than you’d expect. Indeed, your trip through the wacky world of ErisDisnomia will be packed with satisfying booms and bangs. Mostly bangs, if we include another definition of the term. The sex definition, heheheweheheh………….

Classic hentai trope: ass too big to fit through inexplicable holes in the wall.

I know I said this was a simple game, but that’s not entirely true. ErisDisnomia is loaded with little details that’ll really help you get the most out of your experience. To begin, you’re asked to allocate sensitivity points to different areas of Eris’ body. I, of course, put all my points into the butt, because I’m five years old and butts are hilarious.

I made a mistake with another choice, though… You’re given three points to put into specific fetish classes like “exhibitionist” or “desires violation” and I put all my points into making our heroine a “masturbation guru”. And let me tell you, gang, this girl would NOT. STOP. TOUCHING HERSELF. So yeah, be careful with your points, but it just goes to show that this is an astoundingly customizable experience.

Look out! He’s got a… a really gross arm.

As for the less funny gameplay bits, combos are the order of the day. Eris can use kicks and punches to beat up her foes, or even switch to a scythe for some mean-looking, powered-up attacks… but you’re going to want to chain everything together for as long as you can, especially on the harder difficulties.

Even then, though, each mini-stage ends with a few different options as to where to go next, and sometimes that includes a hot spring where Eris can rest and recover her HP. More often than not, however, she’ll find herself forced into an arena packed with enemies, or in a pool filled with aphrodisiac. “Get good or get fucked”, I guess. Oh, and did I mention there’s a skill tree? There’s a skill tree. Water it well.

“Learned masturbating”. A late bloomer, I see.

But screw skill trees, we want porn! And ErisDisnomia’s got plenty of that. You unlock it how you might expect – get knocked down by an enemy and they’ll have their fun – but there are actually some sexy surprises in store, particularly when you lose to one of the five rather challenging bosses. Eris’ world is actually pretty scary, seeing as how it’s loaded with all manner of perverted freaks and beasties ready to tap any ass in sight.

“Meep!” indeed, Eris.

You’ve got your standard hentai game slimes and dick creatures, sure, but there are also big, boxy robots and a rainbow of unflattering otaku stereotypes. The hypnotist is probably my favorite, looking as he does like Michael Myers if he were the type to wear an ahegao shirt to a convention, but every single enemy adds a bit of bizarre flair to create a somewhat surreal sexual experience. You’ve really got to wonder if the world’s sweaty, overweight men have experienced any of the benefits of their popularity in hentai games. Sweaty gang rise up!

“I met this dirty, old hypnotist, with this blank, pale, emotionless face, and the blackest eyes… the devil’s eyes.”

I’m gonna be honest with you guys, lately I’ve been feeling a little… off. A good “off”, like “15% off” or “beat off”, but yeah, still off. However – and maybe it’s my new electric fan, maybe it’s my new medication – I’m not sure – but things seem a bit brighter today. And when I tell you that ErisDisnomia is a delightful bit of action-packed side-scrollery, that’s definitely me talking, and not the meds… If you’re looking for a hentai game that will really get your blood (and hand) pumping, Eris and her adventure are sure to give you just what you’re after. There’s something so very satisfying that simply can’t be topped about slashing the hell out of waves of wacky, expressive enemies with a scythe. And it’s equally satisfying to give in and watch any one of the imaginative sex scenes unfold, too. Give it a download and make your night a little more exciting… mine sure was! Thank fuck I had this to take my mind off the heat.


Pssst, hey… Hungry for more of that goooooooooood pixel-animated beat-em-up action? Well, you’re in luck… studio Above a Damage Tile has another game that ErisDisnomia fans are sure to love! It’s called Ayura Crisis, and you can expect plenty of the same walk-right-and-hit-bad-guys style of gameplay… but with a few unique twists!  Make sure to check it out if you’re having trouble calming down after Eris’ big adventure. It was certainly just what I needed, at least…
Click here to give it a go!

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