Hey there, kids, who’s ready to LEARN!? This week we’re taking a look at some of the titillating terminology that starts with that most lustful of letters, C! That’s right, C as in “cum”, as in “cunt”, and as in “C dem titties lmao”. So without further ado, let’s get Crackin’!
Cherry Boy
Let’s start with a term that may be familiar to some of you already: cherry boy. Basically, it means “male virgin”, and if you’ve heard the “cherry” metaphor for one’s first sexual encounter, then the etymology is pretty self-explanatory. “But teacher”, you whined, notably without raising your damn hand, “why are we learning an English word in a class about Japanese words”? I’ll tell you why! Because “cherry boy” is kind of an archaic term in the Western world, but still gets used a lot in Japan. I first heard the term from a Japanese source, and with male virginity being such a popular “thing” in hentai, it’s easy to see why this sort-of-cutesy diminutive term has held on to its popularity.

Countryside Life gives us a look at a cherry boy in action. His name is Hiro, and he’s visiting some relatives in the countryside. Also, his four childhood friends have grown up to be stupidly hot, and they’re more than ready to revoke his virgin status…. Cherry boy-ness is fleeting, after all, like the petals of the cherry blossom…
Here’s one that’s kind of gross and weird, but still pops up a lot more in hentai than in other porn: smegma. The Japanese word is constructed from chinchin, “dick”, and kasu, meaning “dregs”, “leftovers”, etc. Smegma is an accumulation of dead skin cells and other unsavory stuff that builds up under your foreskin when you don’t wash your dick very well. In hentai, however, some girls find it VERY savory, and enjoyment of a man’s smegma is often used as shorthand to suggest submission. Lots of men here in Japan don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom, so I bet that same frightful lack of care extends to the dick as well… hence this being a hentai trope worthy of note.

This manga is a great illustration of the submissive dick-worship implied by smegma-slurping (see those white patches under the mosaic?). Basically, a guy gets enrolled at a school full of horny girls who are REALLY happy to have someone on whom they can vent all their sexual desires. So happy that they’ll give even his inexcusably filthy dick a go. Artfully simple.

Here’s a fun one. This term essentially refers to the concept of “flashing”, but less in a “freak in a trenchcoat” sense and more in a “Sharon Stone in that one scene from Basic Instinct, you know the one” sense. Just girls giving a flirty little flash of their bits, bobs, or other salacious spots, like you do. Etymologically, the term comes from “chirari”, which is a term that indicates a fleeting glance. Chirarism is a pornographic classic, but really only in Japan is it elevated to the level of outright fetish. I guess most people just sort of assume it comes with the territory… How nice to be so spoiled.

Now, who’s ready to GAMBLE? Can you beat three horny girls in a card game… while trying to ignore their gleefully slutty temptations? Keep your head in the game, and you may come out on top… fail, and “on top” takes on an entirely different meaning…
Another hentai staple, “chikan” refers to perpetrators of surreptitious molestation, usually on a train or in some other generally crowded space. These days most chikan get jumped if they’re caught in the act, but back before the days of women-only train cars and greater respect for bodily autonomy, they were considered a shockingly inevitable hazard of being a woman in Japan. Now, however, they’re most common in hentai, where a secret handful of boob or ass during the morning commute is fun and harmless! Some of the most exciting fetishes are best enjoyed in the safety of your own home.

All aboard the Teasing Train, the hippest trip in Japan! With special guest… Unnamed Schoolgirl! The game’s simple enough: spot a vulnerable schoolgirl on the train, feel her up, and maybe even take things a bit farther… You’ll have to get to know her first, but what better way is there to get close than physical contact on a packed conveyance? None, I tell you, and every dour businessman I’ve jabbed with my spiky black metal accessories can back me up on that.
Jisho.org defines this as “female molester”, but in hentai it’s often used to refer to women who are simply proactive about looking for sex. You know your country’s got some issues when “women who actually enjoy fucking” are considered fetish content, but hey, nowhere’s perfect. That’s not to say the chijo archetype herself can’t get a little uh, less than respectful on her mission to mate, however, and there is indeed a boatload of hentai content where “proactive” is taken to its most eager, drooling extreme…

Like this one! It’s just as the title says – you, your fabric-shredding gun, and wave after wave of girls who don’t consider “literally being shot at” a strong enough form of rejection. Get caught, and they’ll start to enact every dirty desire their sex-starved souls can summon. Also, some of them are giant. Hentai is where imaginations are given license to soar!
Can you believe we’re still only on “C”? There’s a whole world of fucky phrases out there just begging for a deep, sticky exploration. And we’re more than happy to provide! Our vastly underpaid linguists are hard at work picking out the words for our next dictionary entry, so make sure to check back soon!
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And follow us on Twitter to “C” what kinds of debauched delights we’re cooking up next!