It’s June, and in Japan, that means rainy season. The rain falls for hours, sometimes days at a time, while the temperature remains high enough to bring the humidity up to exhaustingly uncomfortable levels. But it’s not just water inundating us this June–there’s also a deluge of sizzling hot doujin hentai just waiting to get you all moist and sticky. Read on for our June top ten!

If there’s anything I love in hentai, it’s a good holy war, and that’s the subject of the first game on our list. The holy city of Raphica is ruled by holy women, but they harbor a dark secret, so it’s up to you as the busty lady knight protagonist to expose their lies and restore order or somesuch. Maybe engage in prostitution or some moderate to heavy monster rape along the way. Just make sure you smack some saints up by the end of it.

Gehenna is a valley in Jerusalem associated with sin and divine punishment. But now it’s also a fun hentai game! Also, the protagonist is named Helvetica (getting the feeling the circle just stabbed a fork into a big book of proper nouns and named things that way). Can she save the world from the darkness that has engulfed it since the sun departed, or will she be defeated by some big-breasted chick called Gethsemane or Comic Sans? Only time and the ability to endure hours of RPG Maker combat will tell.

I have to respect a game that has a unique art style (contractually obliged, really), and number 8 on our list certainly has that. You just…might not be into the things it depicts in that art style. Like full-sized goblins crawling out of a girl’s pussy. But if you have a strong stomach, you’ll surely appreciate the vivid colors and cute sprites that bring the tale of Nana–adventurer in a world where monsters run rampant–to life. Now has anyone seen my anti-nausea medication?

Did you know that Lewis Carroll wrote Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland for a young girl called Alice that he had a seriously unhealthy obsession about? I get the feeling old Lou would have loved doujin. Doujin circles certainly seem to love his work, as Alice as an innocent girl archetype pops up with surprising frequency in games and manga. In this game, you act as a porn director filming Alice in various Wonderland-inspired scenarios. Will she have a very happy un-birthday, or will she be late, late! (because of a lack of birth control)? That’s…sort of up to you, and if you want to play the game, I guess.

According to this game’s description, when the (male) hero defeated the demon king he was transformed into a girl by strange magic and lost all his powers. Seems a bit misogynistic to me. And then of course monsters start showing up in the world again, suggesting the demon king might not be as gone as he/she thought. But with a nice pair of boobs and a brand new pussy to experience, I’d probably leave that for someone else to sort out. Take advantage of the ability to look at love from both sides. Like Joni Mitchell.

I feel like I don’t really need to work to sell this game. It’s right there in the title. The young male protagonist finds himself spirited away to a village populated by busty women who are all either catgirls or witches. And there’s a nun. I’m not sure which camp she falls into since her ears are covered. There are five girls to romance/seduce/be seduced by and they all have unique personalities and individual sexual interests. Find your fave or play the field–it’s up to you!

If you didn’t get your fill of witches in the hidden village, there’s one more at number 4 on our list. In this world, witches travel from village to village, helping out the people using their magic before moving on. Protagonist Liz leaves her village after qualifying as a fully-fledged witch to start her own journey, unaware that she is the reincarnation of the savior figure Witch of the Eclipse. According to the description, you can choose whether Liz starts the game as a virgin or not, and she can finish the game as a virgin depending on your choices. She can also remain a vaginal virgin while also having lots of butt fun. Isn’t that neat?

At number 3 is Ninja Disgrace, which coincidentally is the name of my post-emo bardcore rock band (we meet twice a month in the basement of a cafe in Nerima and play mostly RPG covers). This Ninja Disgrace will also rock your world, but with hot shinobi boob action rather than sexy lute licks. It’s a simple simulation about sexually corrupting a captured ninja girl. It’s not surprising she didn’t manage to hide with a rack like that. You can control the scenes with simple point and click controls, they’re all fully Live2D animated, and all fully voiced. What more could you ask for?

At number 2 is a game whose story reads a bit like an outlandish defense a desperate lawyer might make to explain away their client’s sexual misconduct. You, the protagonist, start of as a real swell guy, but then you get possessed by a demon who persuades you to start jerking off to sleeping high school girls. You go from undressing them in their sleep to pleasuring your dick between their boobs, before finally doing the full nasty. Can you fulfill the desires of the demon inside without waking up the girls and getting in deep trouble? More to the point, will anyone in court believe you when you tell them, “The demon made me do it!”.

Anyone with a good memory for hentai will remember that this game featured in our top ten when the original Japanese version was released last year. Well, now this hugely successful RPG about hunting ghosts has been translated into English to reach the wider audience it so richly deserves. Play as a team of paranormal investigators as they try to get to the bottom of ghostly events afflicting a town, while also trying to keep your girl safe from your boss’ sexual advances. Oddly, while the two junior members have Japanese names, the cucking boss is called Lawrence. Maybe NTR is all the more intense when it’s a foreigner doing it. For some reason he dresses like an after-dinner magician from a British holiday camp, but underneath that cheap satin outfit, he’s pretty built, so you’ll have to take precautions to keep your girl safe. Unless you…want him to fuck her…and maybe watch? (no kink shaming here!)

And that’s all for another month! We’ll be back with another fun listicle in July, provided we don’t all melt from the summer heat. In the meantime stop by the DLsite Discord for hentai discussion fun, and, as always, follow us on the Twitters.