What the fuck is UP, Playground Gang? Did anyone else tune in to Hentai Expo last weekend? I sure did. In fact, let’s just say I was so excited for it that I forgot to write an article. Yep. That’s why. But man, what a show it was. The guys over at DLsite sure know how to make “looking at porn with strangers for 5 hours” a whole lot of fun. And imagine my excitement upon seeing that my absolute favorite hentai game of the past month, Master & Succubus Hentai Lessons, got a bit of a spotlight!
Indeed, I’ve been balls-deep in this game since it came out in late March, but I’ve been playing in Japanese. The English version, apparently, drops TODAY, the day this article goes up! Isn’t that WILD? And from the looks of it, the translation’s pretty good, even! So allow me to give you some instruction – a lesson, you might even call it – as to why exactly this is the game that’s had my boner spellbound for so many weeks.

I’mma be honest, that reason is NOT the story. Sure, it’s more than serviceable for a hentai plot – you play as a young corporate heir whose dad beefs it, making you responsible for the entire company. Also, your maids are actually succubi, and you’re an incubus and have to suddenly learn how to fuck real good, blah blah blah. Simple! But don’t count this as a point against, oh no, because it’s the perfect setup for SEXY SUCCUBUS SHENANIGANS.
You’ve got three main maids in charge of your lessons: Charlotte, the motherly one with the big bap, Seram, the overly strict one who has a literal Semen Sommelier certificate, and Palmier, the best one of the three. Because she’s small, cute, and doesn’t give a SHIT about things like your comfort or actually doing her job. A girl after my own heart, truly.

So yeah, Palmier is cute, but HOW cute? Well, the art is by beloved ero-manga-scribbler siokonbu! That’s right, this is a PROFESSIONAL hentai game! We love the indie hentai scene more than life itself, but sometimes you just want a busty, big-budget spectacle. And indeed, siokonbu has what it takes to deliver the gooey goods. All the girls are sure to appeal to someone’s taste, and the actual H scenes are full of the fleshy details and wide-open holes that have made our artist par excellence so popular.
No complaints on the voice work, either! Charlotte brings the gentle mommy vibes, Seram keeps it under control (when she can), and Palmier is an absolute terror, just like you want from a mesugaki type. If Palmier’s not your favorite, you’re verifiably wrong, but It’s a treat to spend time with all three of them regardless.

GIVE SEVERAL REASONS WHY, you demand, presumably with dick in hand and at the ready. Well, the array of different situations is where the game truly shines. This is not a rape-roaring femdom misery-fest, no sir, this is a silly, quirky little romp through the ins-and-outs of sex ed featuring three ladies who don’t always know when to quit. When it’s Charlotte’s turn to show you the ropes, for example, she uses a heavy dose of tough love to make sure you can cum again and again. You might even get a milky little treat if you make it through!
Seram, on the other hand, quickly loses her mind after tasting your cum, and will come up with any excuse to get more of it. Including creating a doppelganger of herself, which is something succubi can do, apparently. And Palmier, ahhh, Plamier. She gives you a blowjob under the table while you eat a full-course meal. And some other stuff too, but I wouldn’t want to spoil what’s to cum! Though I’m sure it’s no surprise that everything culminates in a 3-on-1 succubus fuckfest for the ages! I mean, what kind of education would it be without a final exam?

I think we can all agree that sex-ed would’ve been more fun if it was like this game. More blowjobs, fewer graphic slideshows of STD photographs, that sort of thing. Well, this is your chance to right one of the education system’s many, many wrongs by getting the Growth and Development lessons you DESERVE. There’s even a special edition available that features system voices and design documents! It’s a bit more expensive, but gets you a lot more Palmier – and the other two, I guess. So yeah, scoot your uneducated little ass on over to DLsite to pick up this most illuminating of hentai games. You may even learn a little something for the bedroom!*
*Hentai Playground accepts no responsibility for any goofery that results from trying out stuff you saw in a hentai game IRL.
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